An architect and an interior designer, the Levy-Chamizer duo are known for their amazing projects at the higher end of the Tel Aviv, Herzliya, and Ramat Hasharon areas. We were asked to help create a subtle, yet elegant virtual gallery—a veritable stage in which to showcase their work. Translating emotions into design—that is what they do for their clients. Each home, each room is a real work of art. Every ray of sun that enters the space, every line of the structure, has a reason and a meaning.
It was no small challenge to come up with a design for designers that would unobtrusively display their beautiful creations.
As part of the project, we also designed a new logo and a new visual language, refreshing the corporate identity in Israel and abroad.
We felt we were building a gallery for an art exhibition. The spacing between projects and frames, each pixel, were all carefully thought out to accommodate their unique designs. We needed to create a display that would not steal the attention or detract from the work. Subtle touches. Movement. A modern look with global appeal for those who truly understand what superb architecture is about.